Media Planning Agencies in Achreamie

Media Planning Agencies in Achreamie

With a large number of media planning agencies to choose from it can be difficult to see which is the best. We have years of experience in media planning and guarantee great ROI.

Ordering Media Planning in Achreamie

Ordering Media Planning in Achreamie

When ordering media planning with our company, please let us know how you want your brand to be presented so we can make a plan that is right for you.

Independent Media Planners in Achreamie

Independent Media Planners in Achreamie

As independent media planners, we are able to offer you the ads from the TV channels or newspapers which are right for you and your target market.

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Media Planning Agencies in Achreamie

At Promo Ads we are a creative agency and able to offer you the best media planning services to get your ads in front of your target market.

You will come across a number of media planning agencies in Achreamie KW14 7 when looking to buy adverts for your business.

Our media planners have years of experience helping brands when it comes to planning advertisements and we can get you the best value for the money you are willing to spend.

Our experts are here to help you through the entire advertising process. We will look at your brand in detail and help you decide what type of media strategy would be best for you.

Being one of the best media planning agencies around the UK, we believe it is essential to take your thoughts into account. We work closely with our clients to create a plan and make sure that you are happy with the end result.


For more information on planning adverts, please fill in our contact form and one of our professional media planners will get back to you with more information. 

Types of Media Planning

There are three main types of media that are always put into consideration when it comes to media planning, these include:

Paid Media 

This type of advertising is called media buying, where brands pay to have an AD placement on a website that is relevant to their niche. 

Paid media types include PPC, display ads, branded content and an influencer strategy which are all the most common ways for a business to gain exposure and build brand awareness. 

Owned Media 

This type of advertising is essentially content that is already owned by your company, such as blog posts or social media campaigns.

Owned media is another prevalent form of media since customer engagement can easily be increased and also increase brand awareness.

Earned Media 

Earned media is basically any publicity that the brand gets from a source that is outside of the company. 

This can include customer reviews, word-of-mouth marketing strategy and media coverage.

Earned media is a very valuable form of media since it comes from customers and they are providing feedback on your product or service.

Media Planning Costs

The average costs of media planning will vary between £500 to £10,000 depending on what type of advertising you are looking for.

The type of adverts which we will buy for you will alter the costs - for example, TV ads are more expensive than magazine adverts. Our media planners try to keep prices to a minimum to help stay within your budget.

We offer a high-quality service at a reasonable price to help make sure that you receive the perfect ads for your business.

Having experts plan your advertising campaign is definitely worth the money, since our experts are able to do all of the hard work for you, you will not need to do as much research into what your target market in the surrounding area listens to, watch or buy - as we will do the research for you.

Our professional planners work hard to make sure great results are received at a price that's right for our clients.

If you would like a quote for our media agency services in Achreamie KW14 7 or you would like information on the different prices, please fill in our contact form and we will get back to you.


Benefits of Media Planning

Media planning offers several benefits to organisations looking to reach their target audience effectively and efficiently through advertising and marketing efforts. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Reaching the Target Audience: Media planning helps organisations identify the most appropriate media vehicles and scheduling options to reach their target audience.
  • Optimising Media Spend: Media planning helps businesses allocate their advertising budget effectively and maximize the reach and impact of their advertising efforts.
  • Improving Message Consistency: Media planning helps companies ensure that their message is consistent and coordinated across multiple traditional media channels.
  • Enhancing Brand Recognition: By selecting the right media vehicles and scheduling placement effectively, media planning can help companies build brand recognition and awareness among their target audience.
  • Measuring Effectiveness: Media planning provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of advertising efforts, helping organisations track and evaluate the results of their media plan and make necessary adjustments.
  • Cost-effectiveness: By utilising media planning to select the most appropriate media vehicles and negotiating favorable rates, organisations can reduce the cost of their advertising efforts.
  • Staying Ahead of the Competition: By staying on top of industry trends and emerging media opportunities, media planning helps organisations stay ahead of the competition and make the most of their advertising and performance marketing efforts.

Independent Media Planners Near Me

We can buy advertisements from a range of different companies, including the TV channel of your choice (or what we find works best for your business).

Since we are independent media planners the choice of locations to advertise your brand on will not be limited. Each brand will need to be advertised in a different way, which is why we research your company in detail.

We work hard to find the location which would work best for your company, looking at your audience's demographics and psychographics.

At Promo Ads, we are not linked to any specific organisations due to being an independent company; this allows us to provide information and plan your adverts in a way that will benefit you the most.

If you are thinking about starting an advertising campaign in Achreamie KW14 7 and you are struggling to work out what would be the best way to go about it, our professional team will be able to run through the different options with you and provide you with a plan.

After choosing where to advertise your business and coming up with scheduled timings, our independent media planners can buy the ads for you. For more information on the services we carry out, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

What are the Steps in Media Planning?

Media planning is the process of selecting and scheduling the most appropriate media platforms and vehicles to deliver a marketing message to a target audience. It involves several steps, including:

  1. Defining the Target Audience: Understanding the demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics of the target audience is crucial in selecting the right media.
  2. Setting Advertising Goals: The next step is to determine the advertising objectives and what the target audience needs to know, feel, or do.
  3. Establishing a Media Budget: The budget determines the media options that are available and the extent to which they can be used.
  4. Conducting a Media Audit: An assessment of the target audience's media consumption habits, including the types of media they use and when they use them, helps to inform the media planning process.
  5. Selecting Media Vehicles: Based on the target audience and budget, the next step is to choose the most appropriate media vehicles, such as television, print, direct mail, digital marketing, or outdoor advertising / Out of Home Advertising (OOH).
  6. Scheduling Media: The final step is to determine the optimal times and frequencies for media placement to reach the target audience effectively.
  7. Monitoring and Adjusting: The media plan should be monitored and adjusted as needed based on results, market changes, and new opportunities.

The media planning process is an iterative process that requires careful consideration and analysis of the target audience, advertising goals, and media options.

We think of ourselves as a top marketing and advertising specialist company across the United Kingdom.

Whenever deciding on the best marketing agency, there are many facts to consider such as the quality of commercials, support services plus the price. You will discover other agencies, that may not supply you with the best services.


Our professional business conforms to the Advertising Standards Authority in advertising along with the code of advertising put down by the advertising association in the UK.

All of our marketing agencies stick to the code of advertising and also Ofcom broadcasting codes since there are lots of misleading marketing requirements.

We make sure British laws and the committee of advertising practice are taken into account when creating ads.

When thinking about the British code of ad broadcasting as well as Sponsorship, we will work beside our clientele to make certain they're pleased with the results of the advertising strategies. We supply the finest broadcasting promoting services across the UK.

Media Planning vs. Media Buying

The different between media planning and media buying is that media planning is the strategic side of advertising, while media buying is the tactical side. 

Media planning refers to the media strategy and process of identifying the best media outlets to deliver a marketing message to a target audience. It involves:

  • Researching the target audience.
  • Determining the objectives of the advertising campaign.
  • Developing a plan for reaching the target audience through various media platforms (television, radio, print, digita marketingl, and outdoor advertising).

The goal of media planning is to ensure that the advertising budget is spent in the most effective way possible.

Media buying, on the other hand, refers to the process of negotiating and purchasing advertising space or time from media outlets. This process involves:

  • Selecting the media outlets identified in the media plan.
  • Negotiating rates and ad placement.
  • Purchasing the ad space or airtime.

Media buyers work to get the best possible rates and placement for their clients' ads, while also ensuring that the ads run in the right place and at the right time to reach the target audience.

Organising Advertising Campaigns in Achreamie

The most important part of our job is organising advertising campaigns. We will plan your ads from start to finish and make sure you receive the best return on investment.

The first part of our process is to decide which media platform would be best to advertise your specific brand. Here we will look at your business and the audience you are targeting and see where they are most likely to pay interest to ads.

We work closely with our clients to ensure they are a part of the campaign and they are happy with how their brand will be presented in the ads.

We will carry out research to analyse the behaviours of your target market in order to produce a creative and innovative advert which will draw your audience in and make them want to buy the product or service. 

After organising local advertising campaigns, we will present you with a range of costs to ensure you remain closest to your budget before buying the ads.

Our nearby experts will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different ads available and which we think would best suit your business. We can then buy ads for you to get your advert seen. 

What is a Media Planning Agency?

A media planning agency is a specialised firm that helps clients develop and implement effective media plans to achieve their marketing and advertising objectives.

Media planning agencies in Achreamie assist clients in selecting the most appropriate media vehicles and scheduling their use to reach target audiences.

The role of a media planning agency includes:

  • Conducting research to understand the target audience.
  • Setting advertising goals.
  • Determining a media budget.
  • Selecting media vehicles.
  • Scheduling media placement.

A media planning agency also tracks and evaluates the results of the media plan to ensure that it is achieving the desired results and making necessary adjustments.

Media planning agencies offer a range of services and they work with clients across a variety of industries and media, including:

A media planning advertising agency provides valuable expertise and resources to help clients navigate the complex world of media and achieve their marketing and advertising objectives.

Media Planning Company in Achreamie

Media planning is a service which is carried out by our team at Promo Ads to plan your advertising campaign for you.

We are able to look at your specific brand and target audience and help you decide which marketing strategy would be best for your company.

We will also sort out what channel, paper or station would be best to advertise your business on to get you the most out of your investment.

Our professional media planners can also help schedule your adverts at the right time.

Once we have planned your advertising campaign, we will also buy the ads which makes the entire process a lot easier for you.

You will be guaranteed to get the best results from your advertising campaign when using Promo Ads. We work closely with clients to make sure they receive the best service and are happy with the ad. 


Why is Media Planning Important?

Media planning is the main factor in having a successful advertising campaign since your business needs to do research on what type of media channels and digital channels work for you as well as create an ad your target audiences will respond to. 

Without media planning and buying, your ad campaign results won't be as effective and you may end up being disappointed with the lack of success. 

Other Services we Offer

Contact Our Team

If you have been looking for media planning agencies in Achreamie KW14 7 and you would like us to help advertise your company, please fill in the contact form available.


We will respond to your enquiry as quickly as possible and start planning your advertising campaign straight away. 

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  • Media Planning and Buying Agency in Achreamie
  • Top Media Planning Agencies UK
  • Media Planning Services in Achreamie
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  • Media Planning and Media Buying Agencies in Achreamie

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